Watch Collecting on A Moderate Budget | VARIO
So, you’re a watch lover that would like to own a collection of beautiful timepieces while maintaining a moderate budget. The only problem is that you’ve had a look around, and it seems like most of the watches that have caught your eye are a little pricier than you’re comfortable with. What do you do now?
Watch collecting is certainly not as affordable a hobby as collecting stamps or bottle caps. But whether you’re a fan of the engineering that goes into the different kinds of watches, or you simply love the feel of a nice watch on your wrist, you don’t need to give up an arm and a leg to make a collection that you’re proud of. For all the watch lovers out there looking to stay smart with their money, VARIO has compiled a short guide that you can use to find watches that go easy on your pocket while still maintaining a high level of quality and design. Keep reading to see what you already know, and what you might be able to use during your next search.
Vario Empire Mother of Pearl watch
Sifting through second-hand watches
Unless it’s a collector’s edition or a particularly expensive model that is hard to come by, you could try finding message boards, online ads, and even exchanges for watches that you like. Looking for slightly used watches for sale from others can even bring you across some gems you wouldn’t have seen otherwise, and give you the chance to make friends with fellow enthusiasts who can keep you in mind for future listings.
As with every type of product on Earth, even the watch industry has its impulse buyers who might lock in a purchase for whatever crosses their mind or piques their interest in the short term, then quickly grow tired of it. They may even find that the watch just isn’t their style after all, and opt to quickly unload it and make space for a new timepiece in their watch box. This is one situation in which you might find a watch at a ‘giveaway price’ – many persons will sell a watch for way below its value at thrift stores and garage sales when looking to move away or get rid of items they no longer use. Don’t just look online for potential additions to your collection. Check out local places where second-hand items are sold too. You may be surprised at what you can find.
Vintage Ricoh watch on Vario Harris Tweed strap
Watch out for sales
Many big watch companies and third-party sellers like Amazon have huge sales throughout the year, especially around major holidays. If you’ve had your eye on a particular watch for a while, you can also save towards the end of the year or an auction sale or distress sale. The end of the year is usually the period when big stores take out their unsold items to offer them at rock bottom prices, in order to change out their stock before the New Year begins. If you’re a passionate watch collector on a budget, then opportunities like this shouldn't pass you by.
Something you may want to try is sending direct messages to stores and brands you have your eye on to ask if they have any upcoming sales. While some places will be reluctant to disclose this information, others will tell you the best time to come back and purchase. You may even get a coupon for your inquiry, though it’s not something you should expect. Also, check out price trackers for sites like Amazon to see the price patterns for watches you like, so you won’t buy it at a higher price as it fluctuates throughout the year.
Vintage King Seiko on Vario Harris Tweed strap
Keep an eye out for crowdfunding projects you like
Recently there has been an upsurge in microbrands or ‘small watch brands’ taking to crowdfunding sites to bring unique watch ideas to the world that before they might never have had the chance to. By giving watchmakers the capital they need, backers can help get new watch companies off the ground, and often get limited edition watches created as a result of it.
In order to make their projects more attractive, many new watchmakers will create projects on crowdfunding sites, and offer exclusive designs at a heavily discounted price. So not only are you helping to bring new watch companies and brands to life, you’re getting high-ticket items for prices you wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. Of course, we highly encourage you to do your research before backing any projects on sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, but if it checks out and you see a watch that you think you might like to add to your collection, this can put something extra-rare in your pocket. Did you know that VARIO got its start via crowdfunding and is one of the best microbrand watch brand in Singapore?
Oris Big Crown on Vario soft silicone strap
Bonus: Spruce up your existing collection
Buying a new watch isn’t the only way to get the most mileage out of your watch collection. Another good way is by changing the straps of your old watches and bring them back to life.
If you've rocked a particular watch for quite a while and it's becoming boring to you or the strap is fading out, rather than setting it down to gather dust, you can simply switch out the watch strap for a whole new look. Even the most basic watch can see a major difference when you play around with the kind of band attached to it. You can attach a bracelet, mesh, or classic Harris Tweed strap for a more elegant look, or go with a soft, quality leather for business-casual. Silicone watch straps are a hit with smart watch owners, and watch straps are extremely versatile as well. Their durability makes them a clear choice for the outdoors and tactical wear, while their ability to be dyed and patterned means you’ll have many options with graphic designs to show off your personality.
A handsome timepiece should be a part of everybody's wardrobe; it's the one accessory that completes an outfit or makes it more lively. We often classify the high-quality watches with an even higher price tag as the ones that can’t be beat, and try to wear them to make a statement, even when they don’t fit, to get the admiration that comes with it. But the truth is, affordable ones can give unending satisfaction, and fill the need to add great new pieces to your collection without compromising on your budget. With affordable wristwatches, you get the chance to rock many designs, styles, colors, makes, and brands while still keeping it low on budget and you get the satisfaction you desire as a watch collector. That's why you'll need to know functional and fun options that don't require you to shell out multiple paychecks, some watches impress with their sleek classic designs while others showcase their distinct movements. Who wouldn't want a few more timepiece to match the perfect outfit?
Watch collecting on a budget shouldn't be a difficult thing to achieve if you know what you want, how to get it and where to get it, and you are constantly working towards it, you'll realize it is much easier to achieve than previously thought.
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