


記事: Vario December Contest Winner

Vario December Contest Winner

Vario December Contest Winner

vario contest winner

Congratz to @germanwatchgeek for December's winning entry. Take part in our photo contest by hashtaging #varioeveryday with our products and we will select a winner every month and the winner will get a watch strap of their choice!




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Our Elastic for G-Shock are so comfortable. Do check them out if you haven't tried them. Photo by @rmmarv42

Our Elastic for G-Shock are so comfortable. Do check them out if you haven't tried them. Photo by @rmmarv42

Our Elastic for G-Shock are so comfortable. Do check them out if you haven't tried them. Photo by @rmmarv42

We love it when customers send us their photos

We love it when customers send us their photos

We love it when customers send us their photos. This one is from #varioeveryday member Joey.

Shop with Friends is an app for E-Commerce stores built on Shopify that helps drive organic word-of-mouth growth through Social Proof & Social Shopping. Shop with Friends adds polling functionality to your store so that shoppers can send polls to their friends to get their input on which products to buy. Learn more at https://www.shopwithfriends.ai